- Xonteck offers Cleaning and Service for the Xonteck, RM Environmental, and Xontech samplers.
Sampler Cleaning and Evaluation
- Xonteck will clean and evaluate your sampler for a fixed fee. The evaluation will test the sampler and recommend any repairs or updates for your sampler.
- Xonteck will provide cleaning service to all Xonteck, RM Environmental, and Xontech air samplers. Xonteck will also evaluate your sampler if it is not working and provide an estimate for repairs.
- Xonteck can also provide blank certification of the samplers, by collecting a sample and having it analyzed by either TO-15A, TO-15, TO-14, TO-14 Detailed Hydrocarbon Analysis, TO-12 or TO-11. This service is provided through Environmental Analytical Service in San Luis Obispo.
Sampler Repair or Update
- After evaluation a cost estimate will be prepared on the items that need to be either repaired or updated on your sampler. If you would like to do the repairs yourself, Xonteck will provide a quotation for just the parts.
- onteck will repair your Xonteck, RM Environmental, and Xontech samplers. The sampler can be sent in for evaluation and an estimate for repairs will be provided.
- Xonteck can also supply parts for samplers.
- Mike Pardee of Pardee Engineering is available to consult with you on your problems with the older RM Environmental samplers or to provide board level repair or modification. His services can be contracted directly with Pardee Engineering. Contact him directly for a quotation.